Tax Planning & Compliance
- Review of past individual and/or various business entity returns
- Preparation of current and future individual, estate and/or various business entity returns
- Planning services – income tax, estate, financial, retirement
- Representation and counselling for income tax audits and hearings
Estate Planning & Documentation
- Existing documentation review and consultation
- Estate planning counsel
- Preparation of estate planning documents including, but not limited to:
- Irrevocable Trusts and Revocable Trusts
- Last Wills and Testaments, Statutory (Financial) and Health Care Powers of Attorney, Living Wills
- Disclaimers
Business Planning & Organization
- Entity formation and ongoing services to meet entity legal needs (Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships)
- Drafting and implementation of specific business entity agreements
- Employee benefits consultation, analysis, and communication
- Retirement plan review, design, installation, service and maintenance
- Assistance with business entity feasibility study
- Assistance with buy-sell agreements, employment contracts and/or other agreements
- Litigation support services – preliminary business valuations, examination of documents for income, cash flow, assets, etc.